Message from CEO

Our way of life has changed drastically due to the outbreak of the COVID‑19 after 2020. The hotel industry, of which we are a part, faced an unprecedented crisis, but with a steady recovery in domestic and international hotel demand, we are now amidst to a new growth stage for the post pandemic, and the time has come for an evolutional change to tactically accommodate to new travel and tourism behaviors.

Even in the midst of the headwind of the pandemic, Polaris Group, in cooperation with Star Asia Group, has been proactively working to strengthen our resilience to the deterioration of the external environment by accelerating new hotel openings, acquiring hotel properties, improving its financial position, reforming its profit structure, reducing operating costs, and implementing other strategies, while accumulating know-hows, capital, and human resources to accelerate new further growth.

In March 2023, Red Planet’s hotel business in the Philippines was newly added to our portfolio, and we have achieved growth to become a global hotel operator with four brands: “KOKO HOTEL”, “Best Western”, “Value the Hotel”, and “Red Planet”.

We will continue to promote agile, flexible, and rapid strategy execution, which is one of our strengths, by combining the hotel operation base which we have cultivated over our more than 100-year history with the expertise of Star Asia Group, which has a wealth of experience in real estate investment management and is committed to high profitability.

As we enter into a new phase of evolution, we will take on a variety of challenges, such as aggressively developing new hotels under management, strengthening our hotel brands, creating synergies with overseas hotels, and further promoting our sustainability initiatives, with the goal to accurately grasp changes in markets and trends.

Our journey will continue to strive for sustainable growth and medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value as a company that provides value to all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees, business partners, creditors, and local communities, while further reinforcing and developing our existing “Guest First” hospitality to our guests and our mission of “Maximizing Shareholder Value” to investors.

We look forward to your continued support.

Polaris Holdings Co., Ltd.

President & CEO, Takahiro Tsujikawa

Company Outline

Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

Company namePolaris Holdings Co., Ltd.
President & CEOTakahiro Tsujikawa
LocationYamazaki Kyodo Building,
1-12-3 Iwamoto-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Date foundedSepember 1912
Capital65,571,004 JPY (as of March 31, 2024)
Fiscal year endMarch 31
Board MembersPresident & CEO
Takahiro Tsujikawa

Shigeru Takakura

Director & Vice President
Kazuyoshi Shimojima

Director& CFO
Takashi Handa

Director & Head of Hotel Business Division
Youhei Taguchi

Mitsuhiro Matsuzaki

Director & Head of Administration
Ryosuke Miyamori

Malcolm F. MacLean Ⅳ

Taro Masuyama

Audit Supervisory Board Member
(full time)(external)
Tsuyoshi Matsuo

Audit Supervisory Board Member
Takaaki Morohashi

Audit Supervisory Board Member
Asuka Nakamura
Number of employees687(Consolidated, as of March 31, 2024)
Group CompanyFinoHotels Co., Ltd.
KOKO Hotels Co., Ltd.
Value The Hotel Co., Ltd.
Polaris Asia Co., Ltd.
Red planet Holdings (Philippines) Limited
Red Planet Hotels Manila Corporation

Corporate History


2023Acquired shares of Red Planet Holdings (Philippines) Limited, Subsidiarized the company and its 12 subsidiaries.
2022changed from the Tokyo Stock Exchange 2nd Section to the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market
2021Changed the company name from Kachikaihatsu Co., Ltd to Polaris Holdings Co., Ltd.
2019Star Asia Group becomes the parent company of the company through the issuance of new shares through a third-party allotment
2018Capital and business alliance established with Star Asia Group
2016Fino Hotels, a subsidiary of the Company, merges with Kaiteki Kikaku, another subsidiary of the Company
2015Tokyo Stock Exchange changed its industry sector from “Real Estate” to “Service Industry” The Company’s subsidiary, Value the Hotel, merges with Value the Hotel Fukushima, another subsidiary of the Company
2014Subsidiarized Premier Resort Operations Co., Ltd.
2013Value The Hotel (4 hotels) grand opening Moved the head office from Kanda-Konyacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo to Iwamoto-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
2012Establishment of Value the Hotel Miyagi Co., Ltd. Establishment of Value the Hotel Fukushima Co., Ltd. Value The Hotel Sendai-Natori (1st hotel) grand opening Launch of the 2nd Project to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake
2011Launch of the 1st Project to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake Changed the company name from Hokkaido Jomo Co., Ltd to Value the Hotel Co., Ltd.
2010Moved the head office from Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo to Kanda Konyacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
2009Establishment of Kinuura Grand Hotel Co. Ltd. The Company’s subsidiary, Fino Hotels, Inc. merged with J.H.M., another subsidiary of the Company Moved the head office from Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture to Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
2008Subsidiarized Fino Hotels Co., Ltd.
2008Changed the company name from Jomo Co., Ltd to Kachikaihatsu Co., Ltd.
2001Changed the company name from Jomo-Nenshi Co., Ltd to Jomo Co., Ltd.
1961Listed on the 2nd Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
1912Founded as Jomo-Nenshi Co., Ltd.

Management policy


Management Philosophy and Long-Term Vision


To become a “Company of Choice” by a wider range of stakeholders,
• Change ways to be free from conventional wisdom and
preconceived Ideas,
• Create with fresh perspective and free thinking, and
• Challenge to strive more efficient management practices.

Long-Term Vision

Be a “Company of Choice” as “Top Tier of Hotel Operator”

• Company of Choice by customers: Pursue customer satisfaction and
provide a comfortable space
• Company of Choice by employees: Respect diversity of employees and
co-create a comfortable working environment
• Company of Choice by investors and owners: Achieve stable revenue
growth by building strong profitability and a stable financial foundation

Code of Corporate Ethics

Code of Corporate Ethics

  1. In all areas of business, we will comply with laws and regulations (including international rules), etc., along with social norms and internal regulations, and conduct our business activities with the aim of being an ethically superior company.
  2. We will strive to earn the trust of consumers by developing and providing products and services that are useful to society.
  3. We will engage in fair, transparent, and free competition and transactions with other companies and related organizations in the same industry. In addition, we will maintain sound and normal relationships with national and local government, and endeavor to earn the trust and confidence of stakeholders.
  4. Based on our recognition of the fact that companies are also members of society, we will strive to preserve the environment and contribute to society through our business activities. We will also confront antisocial forces and organizations that pose a threat to the order and safety of civil society as a corporate organization, and will not respond to any illegal or unreasonable demands whatsoever.
  5. Overseas, we will respect local cultures and customs and engage in activities that contribute to the development of each country and region.
  6. As a company that is trusted by its customers, business partners, local communities, and investors, we will disclose corporate information in a fair, timely and appropriate manner.
  7. We will respect the personality and individuality of each employee, and endeavor to ensure a good working environment with consideration for human rights and safety.
  8. Our top-level management will recognize that achieving the realization of the spirit of this Code of Corporate Ethics is his (or her) role, and will take the lead in seeking to develop and improve internal systems and thoroughly implement corporate ethics. Additionally, when a situation that violates this Code of Corporate Ethics arises, the top-level management will work to resolve the problem in person by investigating the causes, endeavoring to prevent re-occurrences, and taking strict measures that include him or herself.

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

1. Basic Approach to Corporate Governance

The Polaris Holdings Group has built a corporate governance system designed to achieve sustainable growth and medium to long-term enhancement of corporate value, and to provide value to all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, employees, business partners, creditors and local communities.

In order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value in the medium to long term, the Group has established an organizational structure that ensures soundness of management, enables prompt and strategic decision-making and execution of business processes, and discloses information to stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner.

2. Outline of Management Structure

Polaris Holdings is a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee.

We have established a Board of Directors, Audit and Supervisory Committee, and Accounting Auditor(s) as statutory organizational bodies. Other organizational structures established in addition to these statutory bodies include the Internal Audit Office and Risk Management Committee / Compliance Committee.

3. Main Roles of Each Body

Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors consists of nine directors.
・Make decisions regarding basic policies for the Group’s business strategy
・Supervise the execution of business processes by directors
Audit & Supervisory CommitteeThe Audit and Supervisory Committee consists of three directors who are committee members. (One is a full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee member, and the other two are independent outside Audit and Supervisory Committee members.)
・Audit management, including the execution of duties by directors
Accounting Auditor(s)Seiei Audit Corporation is the Group’s official accounting auditor.
・ Give opinions on the appropriateness and legality of financial statements, etc.
Internal Audit OfficeThe Internal Audit Office has been established as an organization under the direct control of the President and Representative Director.
・Conduct internal control audits
・Make proposals on the appropriateness of business operations
Risk Management / Compliance CommitteeThe Risk Management / Compliance Committee have been established as organizational structures responsible for risk management and compliance.
・Risk countermeasures ・Promote lawful and fair corporate activities throughout the whole Group
・Make proposals and report to the Board of Directors on group-wide risk management and compliance-related strategies
Sustainability CommitteeThe Sustainability Committee plans and formulates basic policies and strategies for sustainability, ESG, SDGs, etc. in the Group, receives reports on the status of activities from each department, deliberates, and proposes and reports to the Board of Directors.
・Planning and formulation of basic policies, strategies, etc., concerning sustainability, etc.
・Receipt of reports from each department and deliberation

4. Initiatives to Enhance Corporate Governance

Meetings of the Board of Directors which are attended by directors (including Audit and Supervisory Committee members) are held at least once every months to determine basic management policies, matters stipulated by laws and regulations, and other important matters relating to business management. The Board also supervises the execution of business operations by reviewing the progress of each division / department.

Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Policy

Information Disclosure Standards

The Group strives to secure the trust and understanding of its shareholders and investors by complying with the following items, and by maintaining autonomy, timeliness, fairness, and transparency in all of its IR activities.

Information Disclosure Methods

Information that qualifies under the Timely Disclosure Rules is disclosed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) information disclosure system, then promptly posted on the Group’s website. Other information that does not qualify under the Timely Disclosure Rules will also be widely disclosed through posting on websites, etc.

Prevention of Insider Trading and Fair Disclosure of Information

The Group encourages thorough dissemination, awareness and understanding of important company information among all Group employees with the aim of appropriately managing such information, preventing insider trading, and ensuring fair disclosure of information.

Handling of Earnings Forecasts and Future Information

Among the earnings forecasts, strategies, policies, and targets, etc., disclosed by the Group, those which are not historical facts are statements regarding the Group’s future outlook. These are based on information obtained by the Group at the time; or on plans, expectations or judgments based on certain assumptions which are judged to be reasonable. Actual business results, etc., may differ significantly due to various risks and uncertainties.

Quiet Periods

To prevent the leakage of financial results information and ensure fairness of information disclosure, the Group will maintain a certain period of silence (a quiet period) until the announcement date for financial results for each quarter. During quiet periods, the Group declines to answer questions or comment with regard to financial results. Even during quiet periods, however, when it is expected that actual results will differ significantly from previously forecast results, the Group will disclose information as appropriate in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.



Address 1-12-3 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032 Japan



Group Companies

FinoHotels Co., Ltd.

1-12-3 Iwamotocho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
101-0032 Japan


Value The Hotel Co., Ltd.

555-1 Kamiyoden,
981-1222 Japan


KOKO Hotels Co., Ltd.

1-12-3 Iwamotocho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
101-0032 Japan


Contact Us

About Your Inquiries

-Inquiries will be answered promptly by each department in charge, however depending on the content of the question, we may not be able to answer or it may take some time.

-Please note that we cannot answer 「stock price forecasts」 or 「unpublished information」.

-Please understand that any inquiries received on the holidays such as Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays will be answered on the next business day or as soon as we back to normal operation.

-Since the content that we reply to the customer is addressed to the individual customer, please refrain from diversion or secondary use of part or all of the reply.

-We will responsibly manage the personal information which is provided by the customer and it will be used only for replying to the customer. We will not use it for disclosure to third parties or other purposes without the consent of the customer.