2023.11.14IR Information

KPI Report Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 Q2

2023.11.14IR Information

Upward Revision of Consolidated Financial Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2024 and Recognition of Extraordinary Income

2023.11.14IR Information

Polaris Executes New Agreement for Operations of 5 KOKO Hotels to Maximize Profitability

2023.11.01IR Information

Polaris to Operate Additional Hotel in Central Nagoya City

2023.10.02IR Information

Polaris Closes Operational Structure Change

2023.10.02IR Information

Polaris Completes Opportunistic Acquisition of Hotel and Operations in Central Manila


New 3 Hotels “KOKO HOTEL” in Sendai, Japan

2023.09.21IR Information

Polaris Increases Profitability with Changes to Operational Structure

2023.09.01IR Information

Polaris Closes Sale of Two Hotel Properties and Execution of New Long Term Lease Agreements

2023.08.29IR Information

Polaris Executes Management Agreement for New Hotel in Osaka City

2023.08.25IR Information

Corporate Research/Q1 FY3 2024 Results Update – Astris Advisory Japan

2023.08.10Quarterly Report

Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30, 2023

2023.08.10IR Information

Revision of Consolidated Financial Forecast for the Year Ending March 31 2024

2023.08.10IR Information

KPI Report Fiscal Year Ended March 31 2024; Q1

2023.08.07IR Information

Polaris to Sell Two Hotel Properties for Significant Gain; Enters into New Long Term Lease Agreements

2023.07.06IR Information

Polaris Executes Management Agreement for 3 New Hotels in Sendai City

2023.06.27IR Information

June 2023 supplementary material for the 149th fiscal period

2023.05.15Financial Information / Results

[Summary]Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023(Under Japanese GAAP)

2023.04.12IR Information

Polaris Executes a New Management Agreement for Hotel in Kyoto City

2023.03.31IR Information

Polaris Hires Leading President and CFO with Extensive Experience and Strong Track Record in Hospitality and Finance